Research Interest
- North Atlantic Current and AMOC variability
- Subpolar gyre dynamics
- High-latitude oceanography and how polar oceans influence our climate
- Shelf-slope exchange processes
- Ocean-atmosphere-ice interactions, including ice shelf-ocean interactions and ice shelf-ocean boundary layer
- New technologies applied to oceanography
Current PhD Students
- Marina Noro (Universidade de Sao Paulo-Brazil, co-supervisor): On the role of Antarctic Shelf Bottom Water in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (2022 - 2026)
- Brendon Damini (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande-Brazil, advisory committee): Changes on the Antarctic Circumpolar Current frontal systems and their impacts on the Circumpolar Deep Waters (2023 - 2027)
Fieldwork Experience (selected cruises; total weeks at sea: 40+)
- OSNAP/DY181 (2024), Rockall Trough and Iceland Basin (North Atlantic), RRS Discovery: Co-Chief Scientist and Mooring processing
- ITGC/TARSAN (2022), Amundsen Sea (Antarctica), IBRV Nathaniel B Palmer: VMP and CTD/LADCP operator
- GOAL/PROVOCCAR (2020), Northern Antarctic Peninsula (Antarctica), NPo Almirante Maximiano: Watch leader, cruise planning and CTD/LADCP operator
- DynOPO (2017), Orkney Passage, Weddell and Scotia Seas (Antarctica) - RRS James Clark Ross: CTD operator, Autosal measurements and ARGO floats deployments
- GOAL/NAUTILUS (2015), Northern Antarctic Peninsula (Antarctica), NPo Almirante Maximiano: Watch leader, cruise planning and CTD/LADCP operator
- PhD in Physical Oceanography (2019), University of Southampton, UK.
- MSc in Physical, Chemical and Geological Oceanography (2015), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Brazil.
- BSc in Oceanography (2013), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Brazil.
Updated publications
Co-organiser of the NOC Physical Oceanography Seminars
Member of the International OSNAP Steering Committee
Member of the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) RWG-Amundsen & Bellingshausen Sector leadership team (2021-present)
Challenger Society institutional representative
Member of the Brazilian National Institute of Science and Technology of the Cryosphere (INCT-CRIOSFERA) research group
Member of the Brazilian High-Latitudes Oceanography Group (GOAL)
ATLANTIS (Atlantic Climate and Environment Strategic Science), NOC responsible for the Ellett Array moorings (WP 1.1.1)
UK-OSNAP (Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Programme)
ITGC/TARSAN (Thwaites-Amundsen Regional Survey and Network Integrating Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Processes)
GOAL/PROBIOMA (Oceanographic and Biogeochemical Processes Associated with the Marine Carbon Cycle Surrounding the Vitória-Trindade Chain)
GOAL/PRO-SAMBA (Oceanographic Processes in Climatic Hotspots of the Southern Ocean: New Synergies and Advances in Physical and Biogeochemical Knowledge and Monitoring around the Antarctic Peninsula.)
GOAL/ImpactANT (Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity and Resilience of Marine Ecosystems in the Antarctic Peninsula Region)